Old Investor Relations

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Filing data of Sahathai Terminal Public Company Limited

IR Contact

Tel : +66 (0) 2386 8000


Codes of Conduct

The Board of directors of Sahathai Terminal Co., Ltd. has arranged the codes of conduct as part of the corporate governance to provide a guideline practice to the directors, managing directors and employees of the company on various topics.

Download and read our Codes of Conduct here

Corporate Governance

The Code of Best Practice of the company is to arrange the policy related to corporate governance to provide a guideline practice to the shareholders, directors, employees of the company and the stakeholders of the company, both directly and indirectly.

Download our Code or Best Practices here

Charter of the Board of Directors

This Charter has been adopted by the Board of Directors to assist the Board and its committees in the exercise of their responsibilities. The Board of Directors will review this Charter at least annually and, if appropriate, revise this Charter from time to time.

Download our Charter of the Board of Directors

Risk Management Policy

Sahathai Terminal Co., Ltd. is aware that risk management is part of good governance and a key foundation to achieve the objectives of the company. Risk identification and management will help and support the company to make better decisions and to reduce impact from major incidents that might possibly incur.

Download our Risk Management Policy