Shareholder Information

Shareholder Information

Shareholder Structure

List of major shareholders and share distribution Click here

Free Float As of 11/03/2024
Minor Shareholders (Free float)3,473
  % Shares in Minor Shareholders (% Free float)44.36


Overview As of 11/03/2024 Rights Type : XM
Total Shareholders3,784
  % Shares in Scripless Holding99.99


RankMajor Shareholders# Shares% Shares
1.บริษัท รัตน โฮลดิ้ง จำกัด209,828,25834.56
2.นาย สมชัย ครุจิตร31,829,2045.24
3.MR. BANCHAI KARUCHIT18,686,4023.08
4.นาง สุนันทา ลามาติพานนท์18,132,5762.99
5.MR. SAKCHAI KARUCHIT16,566,7762.73
6.MR. TAVEECHAI KARUCHIT16,241,9622.67
7.MRS. SAUWAKUN KARUCHIT10,728,5801.77
8.นาง ดวงตา จงยั่งยืนวงศ์10,609,6881.75
9.นาง วารุณี เพชรสุทธิ10,605,0001.75
10.MRS. DALAD PRAPINTIP10,400,0001.71

Dividend Policy

Dividend Policy

Not less than 40.00 percent of the net profit as recorded in the Company?s separate financial statements after deductions for income tax and legal reserves as required by law and its articles of association (with additional conditions)